ProCeas® tracking hydrogen in chlorine production

This will provide real-time monitoring of H2 at the compressor inlet during IEM process start-up in some chlorine alkali plants in Algeria. Direct and accurate measurement without interference, fast response time, low maintenance were the key points for selecting our Proceas® as the most suited technology (Low Pressure Resonant Cavity Spectroscopy) for online analysis of H2 in chlorine.
This reference strengthens the position of AP2E in the measurement of hydrogen gas in the field of Chlorine Alkali plants and paves the way of our presence in Algeria.
Conference at CEM 2018, 16-18th May

Our CEM analyzer, LaserCEM® embeds these two technologies, giving the device great advantages for this application,such as low maintenance cost, no cross interferences and no drift, and fast response time.
It is also a great technology gap versus standard CEM analyzers, with traced lines at 80°C instead of 180°C, direct measurement without sampling gas treatment and measurement in gas with high water content (>50%vol H2O).
CEM 2018 & ACHEMA, 11-15th June

During the second quarter of 2018, you will have plenty of opportunities to meet AP2E team:
- Hyvolution, the show for hydrogen and fuel cells applications, 4-5th April, Paris France.
- CEM 2018, the seminar for continuous emission monitoring, 16-18th May, Budapest Hungary.
- ACHEMA, the tradeshow for the chemical industry, 11-15th June, Frankfurt Germany.
We hope to see you on our booth, to talk about your projects!